《Take Control of DEVONthink 3》的作者澄清:他声称 2025年发布 DT 4,并非得到开发团队的确切消息,而只是猜测(Educated guess)。
具体情况,可以点击下面 Minja 分享的链接,该链接指向官方 DT 社区,里面有更多讨论,包括《Take Control of DEVONthink 3》作者的澄清。
DEVONthink 官方资助了一本小册子《Take Control of DEVONthink 3》,大家可以从 DT 官网的 Support 页面免费下载到它 (直达链接)。它的最新版更新于 2025年1月。
在 §Read Me First 章节中,作者写到:
This final small update (before a new book planned for 2025 about DEVONthink 4!) covers DEVONthink for Mac up through version 3.9.9, and DEVONthink To Go for iOS/iPadOS up through version 3.8.7
I’m pretty sure it was already public knowledge that version 4 was under development, and my educated guess was that it would be out before the end of 2025,
I don’t know when the actual release date will be, and no one should draw any conclusions about their plans based on my ill-advised statement. I apologize to everyone, but especially to Jim, Eric, and Christian, for causing this confusion.